Saturday, May 4, 2013

I'm Thankful

It's a quiet Saturday night. Pretty much read my Bible for a few hours - I had to catch up on my reading the Bible in one year plan. Did laundry, and help my girlfriend move all day. I'm just thankful. There are things that could go worse (not in my favor) but I'm fine. I have no reason to complain.

I thought it would be cool to just think. No TV no music no nothing as I chomped on my Chipotle burrito bowl. I cleaned up my roomates' mess (and by cleaned up I mean put their trash away and place their soiled dishes in the sink) and just sat at my kitchen table to think. All this non-noise starts to promotethe most random thoughts. Everything flashing through my mind such as my childhood, overall life reflection, to food (#fatKidProbs #iKnowIhadJustEaten #hashtagOnBlog #wutUp #selfie), to my grandpa.


I know I talk about him a lot. But the pain never really goes away from a loss like that. The memories may be silenced/softened/hidden away, but it is always always going to be there. 

You have to understand what a great man my grandpa was. Almost the opposite of me actually. He never talked too too much.. but his words were ones that you would always remember. He didn't tell you he loved you as much as he showed you he loved you. 


He was thankful for his wife. My grandmother. His only girlfriend. Literally his one and only. Having one girl you've ever dated. And the day before he died STILL opened her doors, STILL held her hand, and STILL grinned at her like his feelings never changed. I want that. He was so thankful for her.

I'm thankful that I knew such a man. Till his last day on this planet, he was the most thankful person I know. Thankful in respect to always having an appreciation for everyone by staying true to his word. For example, on the day he died he told me that he would take my brother Carl and I out for breakfast. On his dying day he gave a $20 bill to my mother to give to us so that he could stay true to his word and treat us out to a breakfast. Part of me didn't want to spend that $20, but then that wouldn't fulfill my grandpa's wishes. I think Carl and my tab was about $9 bucks, but we left the whole $20.