Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So What've You Been Up To?

"Not much," is typically my response to that question. Typically it's to avoid long stories or a sequence of short stories that I find interesting in my life that nobody else does. What an awkward question. If I answer it, I sound like a prideful schmuck. I have such a boring  life. Anywho. This is me answering that question

Firstly, I'm learning about how much I need God in my life. I used to think about how much I knew or thought I knew, how much I thought I mastered in the Bible, how little I sin, but wow. I'm a mess. I'm such a prideful stupid mess. Humility is a hard pill to swallow. I fail God constantly, but He loves me. And I'm so glad He does. I'm so selfish and 27 years into life, I am realizing that.

Numero Two. Wow, I'm old. 27? I figured I'd have a family and my own house by now. Ah the best laid plans...

Thirdly, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Jackie. She's great. She hates when I'm public about us. So I'll just leave it at I couldn't ask for a better woman. (:

*stopped numbering*
I miss my family. I miss them a whole lot. Spending Christmas without them feels terrible, but at least I have my  brother, Ryne. And Skype. I have Skype.

My playstation was broken for two months. God works in mysterious ways, right? Assassin's Creed III comes out, I get a girlfriend and my playstation breaks! Nacho Libre was inside of it when it broke - When it rains it pours, right? Took $150 to get it back and running,  but I'm glad it's back.

My work schedule is killing me. I work till 8 almost every day. It doesn't allow me to go to church Wednesday nights. I hope that changes soon if we get to hire more people... Or get an alternate working schedule where I can have Wednesdays off and work 10 hour days.

Anywho. That's my life in a nutshell these days. Imagine if I told somebody this during an awkward urinal conversation (Yknow... at the urinal in the bathroom?)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Never date a tennis player: Love means nothing to them.

Well I was a tennis player, and in some ways, I still am. I don't think the word love means anything to any of us anymore.

"I love otter pops," "I love soda," "I love driving,"I love video games." "I love you"

Love. A mere four letter word. Its definition has been distorted over the years and through American culture. The word is overused, underestimated, and its once powerful definition now means nothing, but a strong fondness. It's a word that can be used to describe your strong positive opinion of a food item and in the next sentence can vaguely describe your feelings toward a special someone.


I overuse it. I said it when I didn't mean it. I've cheapened its meaning, and now I'm convicted of it. Every time I use it, it means less every time. Someone recently told me that the more times I use a pickupline or compliment, the more meaning it loses...

I mean... Love means something. It means everything. Everyone has their own opinion of it, but I think from what I've surmised from over the years, it's the most important thing.. But I can't really put my finger on exactly what it means.. At least at this point in the entry.

What is love.. It is underestimated and is over complicated. Let's take a look at what some children's definitions (some intentionally left for silliness):

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca - age 8

When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" Emily - age 8

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore," Cindy - age 8

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Clare - age 6

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget," Jessica - age 8

"There are two kinds of love. Our love. God's love. But God makes both kinds of them." Jenny - age 8

See? Children get it... I couldn't come up with such pure innocent answers. Am I overthinking? I don't know.. Probably.

"Life makes love look hard"


Love has charcteristics found in 1 Corinthians 13.. Let's look at what love is

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

That means hate is mean, envies, boasts and is arrogant. It is RUDE. It insists on its on way, it is irritable resentful rejoices at wrongdoing, rejoices in deception, hate does not bear all things, Hate does not believe, hope and endures all things.

Wow. I hate people. There a few things I do need to work on to love more effectively.

I want the people I love to know and feel those three words and know that they are true when I say them and when they hear them. I don't want to cheapen love. Not even the word. I will make a whole-hearted effort to, even jokingly, hate less and love more, and not use the word excessively.

God is love. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. A self-less unconditional love. Wow. I don't deserve it, and I'm starting to doubt that I'm really capable of it... Yknow.. Loving a real kind of love. But God makes us worthy, right?

Christ is patient and kind; Christ does not envy or boast; Christ is not arrogant or rude. Christ does not insist on His own way; Christ is not irritable or resentful; Christ does not rejoice at wrongdoing but Christ rejoices with the truth. Christ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things endures all things.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Home. Reminiscing. Ordinary Adventures.

That's a weird concept right now. Ha. Home. I'm driving very familiar streets. In the last two days, I've had dinners prepared for me at two different homes (My Mexican Families). I live in Iowa now. That's my residence.

Home is where the heart is. Then I guess I have a couple different homes right? I have a piece of my heart everywhere.

I was driving to the house I grew up in (see what I did there? I didn't call it home) and looked at the clock. "It's 9:58," I thought, "it's pretty early!" So I circled back and just decided to take a drive. It felt great looking at familiar streets.I decided to tour my elementary and middle schools to kill the time and reminisce. It was nostalgic to have mini movies play in my head. Each one was as vivid as watching it on film.

One of the scenarios is where I walk towards the school entrance from my parents' cars giving them a kiss on the cheek and meditating on what the rest of the school day was going to be like. My first day of school. The air so cold I could see my breath, my backpack filled with brand new school supplies and writing utensils I was going to lose in weeks. All of my friends went to another middle school since my parents faked our address to get into the less ghetto. I was going to have to make new friends. I was in a completely different environment. A big school. Harder teachers, and I had no clue what to expect. But at least I had my new mechanical pencils, right? Do you remember that rush, the anticipation, and anxiety of that first day of school? Do you know when I last felt that? It was when I dropped off my dad at the airport after our long road trip to Des Moines, IA. It's that feeling of, "Is this for real?" "Wow, I'm really growing up, huh?"

I continued my drive and I just noticed buildings that have been built, street lines that have been painted, and businesses that were either abolished or replaced. My hometown is going on without me and for the the longest time I have been stagnant in my growth because I was waiting on my hometown. For the longest time I kept rereading the last page in the last chapter and prevented myself from advancing the next one. Life has to go on, and whatever that next challenge God leads me to, I have to take it with open arms (sidenote unlike Jon 'Bones' Jones in UFC 151).

I will always cherish my family and friend-families here in southern California. But Iowa is my home right now. I have new streets to get more familiar with, new roads, and new situations to where I can say "Wow, I'm really growing up, huh?"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dos And Don'ts in a Filipino Household

  1. DO take your shoes off before you enter. I don't know. I mean my household is a little more "Americanized" than most Filipino households... But if they have carpet for SURE take your shoes off. I have only hardwood and tile.
  2. DON'T mind that there's a large cup/small bucket in the bathroom. Nobody forgot to put it away. It's supposed to be there. It's called a Tabo (tah-boh).. Americans have toilet paper... Filipinos have that. Just think of it as a poor man's french bidet. 
  3. DO notice that we point with our lips. 
  4. DON'T sit in a living room if it looks like no one's ever used the furniture (if there are multiple living rooms) because chances are nobody has and nobody will. For decorations
  5. DO notice that F's sound like P's. That's a Pilipino accent.
  6. DON'T refuse food or drink. Just don't.
  7. DO sing karaoke if offered. Come on. It's FUN.
  8. DON'T mind if we hug you. We do that.
  9. DO cheer for Pacquiao. Seriously. If you love Manny Pacquiao, you're in.
  10. DON'T forget to credit any Filipino dos and don'ts if a priendly Pilipino (see what I did there?) did you the favor of posting a blog for you before you meet a Filipino family.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weird Time In My Life

Being this age is awkward. Well. I guess being any age is awkward. Babies don't know what they're doing. Toddlers fall a lot. Kids are just weird and excitable. Teens are.. Well. Awkward. Young adulthood, doesn't get any different. The difference between then and now? It's what your goals are.

In America, everything revolves around your livelihood. So learning was always the goal. Graduating elementary, middle, and high schools were the goals of our childhood. Colleges/Careers were our goals as young adults, and well now that you have a career... Now what?

"Life is what you make it."

Well. What the heck do I make it? This is awkward. Get more money? Buy more stuff? Get a woman? SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! I just feel like I'm gonna just work till I die. How depressing is that? Work. Cubicles. Pay check to pay check. Retirement. Die. I'm glad I have Jesus. My only hope. It just frustrates me that I don't have a clear path for my goals these days. I don't know what I want.

Ha. Wasn't that funny? I hang out with a lot of bible college students, so I hear a lot of that... I was thinkin tho....

The average American male gets married at 26.8 years old. I was 26.8 on May 18th of this year which officially makes me a late bloomer. You would think I would have my act together by now and would have had a house a woman and my life all figured out. I always said "Yeah, I'll figure it out soon.." Truth is, I'm here and there's nothing to figure out. When you're a baby you just had to figure out how your body and environment worked. As a toddler, you're walking around exploring stuff.. Now I got a house car and all that I need a woman, right?

So anyways. I'm not lonely, but I feel an obligation to try and get hitched. All my friends are getting married if they're not already. It really hit me when I got an invite to a friend's wedding... A friend who at one time I had feelings for. No I'm not still in love with her or anything, but one can't help but reevaluate your life based on these recent events.

I'm thinking way too much. Love Jesus. Every day. As much as possible. That should be my goal. All this depression and regret is taking time away from my Savior.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Best Laid Plans

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

(The best laid schemes of Mice and Men
oft go awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!)
-Robert Burns

I've been really into British literature these past two weeks. It's really weird. I came across that  Robert Burns poem that I read back in '03 and it really inspired me to write this. My life never goes to plan. Nay, my life never goes according to MY plan. My initial plan was to move to Iowa for a bit, live with my friends for maybe a year, move in with my bro if I'm still here, and haul my crap back to California as quickly as possible.

Didn't Happen.

God had another plan. Move here... Humble the crap outta me, take away all the distractions I had back in California, then refocus my life to Him. It took like two years for that realization. Up to a couple of weeks ago, I still thought I needed to go back to California.

My old church needs me.
I need to see my cousins grow up.
My  parents are getting older. They need me to do stuff around the house.
I need to see my old friends.

Although none of those things are bad, those aren't things that I needed. I need to grow up.

And I've grown so much here. I have great friends that encourage me spiritually. I have an awesome church. I have my brother. I can start a life here. I HAVE started a life here.

My dad had cancer two weeks ago. Now he doesn't. During that week of suffering after he was diagnosed I felt week. I felt helpless. I felt like I was useless out here, and that I should have been in California this whole time to be there for my dad. I lost sleep. I lost sanity. I lost tears. But I never lost hope in Christ. Philippians 4:4-7 is something that I've been telling others to curb anxiety. I told people that the Love of Christ surpasses all understanding. I didn't tell that to myself. I hated that all I could do was depend on Him. I always take things (or try to) into my own hands and solve whatever problems. To think that something as terrible as cancer was used to humble me. To strengthen faith in my Christ. When I got news that the cancer was gone, I rejoiced and came to the realization that no matter where I am, God is sovereign and whatever happens will happen for His glory.

After the countless of job cancellations and denials, I've come to the acceptance, the realization, the welcoming of Central Iowa being my home. This time I mean it... Because I've said that before.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
(Jeremiah 29:11-13 ESV)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Five Of the Weirdest Things About Me

We're all weird. Only few people list and elaborate on them on blogs, and that in itself is not weird. Let's get to it.

  1. I hate Styrofoam. Polystyrene foam to be exact since Styrofoam is a brand name of the Dow Chemical company that invented it so for me to continue keep saying it would be ignorant. ANYWHO. I hate it. Not for the environment purposes, but the density, texture, and weight of it for some reason causes it to become repulsive. It's completely irrational to why I hate the feel and sound of the stuff, but it's very comforting to know that I'm not alone in this world. There was a group on myspace that was 27 people strong (back when myspace was cool), and I met someone in Iowa that shares the same fear. I used to have to be in another room while objects packed in the substance are being freed from its evil clutches ie super Nintendo, drinking glasses, etc.
  2. I watch anime. What's anime? Japanese animation. It's not something I'm proud of. I basically only watch Naruto.... Which is about ninjas. Ok I guess enough about that.
  3. I make a weird gag sound when I brush my teeth. More specifically if I brush for more than 5 minutes or if I'm brushing my tongue. Oftentimes people ask if I'm okay whilst coming from the bathroom after brushing. It's pretty bad, and I can't not do it. Sorry roomies.
  4. I need like 2 pillows to sleep. I use 3 daily.
  5. If I think I don't blink my eyes at exactly the same time, I have to reblink them. I'm pretty sure I have OCD.. Or did and grew out of it out of sheer laziness.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Little Things That Make my Day

1. Waking up not feeling crappy.
2. Having a song finish as I arrive at my destination.
3. Having exact change when paying in cash.
4. Filling gas and having it land on a price with no change.
5. Clean windshields.
6. When no one yells at me at work.
7. When the ketchup bottle is like 5% full (optimist) and it makes a fart noise.
8. Good parking spot available as I pull in lot.
9. I update a Facebook status and it is instantly liked.
10. Smiles from pretty faces.
11. Good hair days.
12. When I ask someone where they want to eat and they have a decisive answer.
13. Hearing a crunch when I step on a single leaf.
14. When I look at the clock and it's 3:33.
15. When I go to a restaurant and their to-go boxes aren't made of Styrofoam (polystyrene.. but Styrofoam is the generic term).
16. Any day without Styrofoam, actually. (I will expound on this one day)
17. Unique accents.
18. High fives.
19. Pickup lines
20. When I pick something out to wear and I don't have to iron it.
21. Mentally saying "I'll do those dishes later" and when I come back, they're done.
22. Spontaneous group song-singing.
23. When I have all socks accounted for in the laundry
24. When someone initiates a text conversation as I was texting them and I get to truthfully say, "I was texting you JUST now!"
25. When people read my blogs and comment/like on the post on facebook.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I was reminiscing about camp. I was a camp counselor. It was a big part of my life - actually it still is because some of my best friends are people that I've met in a camp environment. But... that's an entry for another time. There's a camp theme every year for every camp that I've been to and my FIRST EVER camp was themed "God's Superheros!" I was pretty stoked to find out that the teams names for Junior week included Justice league, the Avengers, and two other insignificant teams. Seriously. Who can beat superman or the hulk? Anyways before I geek out on you, I was really really thinking about what we view as a superhero. The recipe goes as follows:

1. Regular guy
2. Something tragic/ near death happens
3. Said guy becomes awesome(r)
4. Morals get injected into said comic book

BOOM! you have a superhero!

Pictured Above: Superhero.. and sidekick Arturo

Okay.. That's just me on Halloween at the coffee shop I worked in back in 2006. We always think of a hero as someone who was normal, becomes stronger, and does things that no one else can really do to save them. I was always so envious. I wanted to climb walls. I wanted to fly. I wanted all the cool gadgets and I wanted to be fearless. But I never had a radioactive spider. Never came from Kryptonian decent. Didn't have he gizmos.

Going back to camp and the theme: My chapel notes have disappeared, but the message of Jesus has remained constant. Jesus was the ultimate superhero. He's defeated the villain of death and sin for ALL. The Formula is all backwards though: Already awesome... And coming down to earth as a regular man. A God-Man that hungered, that thirsted, that willingly felt pain for our behalves. This camp theme is really hitting home in terms of my weakness and infirmities. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul boasts in his weakness because it magnifies the strength of the Lord. God has constantly used the people - like Joseph (the youngest son), Moses (a cowardly man who couldn't even circumcise his own children), and Peter (a lowly fisherman) to serve Him in the greatest ways! It really puts it in position to where he could use anyone for His glory - no one has an excuse to not serve no matter how little they think they are or how insignificant I think I am.

I've always viewed strength as something of my own. So I'll pass on the gamma rays, the genetic experimentation and whatever made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so mutantly and ninja-like - I have everything I need - my weakness magnifies how great God is.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Top Inventions: Aroma Alarm Clock

My mind wanders. Actually, I don't think it really has a set path, but when you see a blank stare, twiddling thumbs, and maybe a smirk on my face, it usually could be one of three things: I thought of a funny thought (a joke or pickup line), I farted, or I thought of a genius (to me) invention!

Now I'm no engineer. Nor do I have much practical creative ability, but I just wanted to share a couple of inventions that I've come up with over the years. Probably one blog post per invention.

Aroma Alarm Clock - I got this idea as a child on Saturday morning. Monday thru Friday you would wae up earlier than normal to go to school. I ran on a strict schedule because my parents could only drop me off at school on the way to work (which was very early). I dreaded the alarm clock. I dreaded it so hard. I looked forward to the weekend. As a kid you either woke up early for cartoons, or you slept in. I usually watched cartoons since you weren't really cool on Monday if you didn't watch the Friday night lineup 'TGIF' with Boy Meets World and others, or did not watch the Saturday morning cartoons (TMNT, Sonic the Hedgehog...) BUT When I was very tired I did not want to get bothered or wake up past 10 o clock.. UNLESS there was an awesome breakfast. I did NOT mind waking up for breakfast.

Reminiscing on those days, I thought of the Aroma Alarm Clock. Instead of waking up to a nagging sounding alarm, you would wake up like *sniff* *sniff* "OooOooo! Bacon!"

(Direct TV commercial rip off below)
Cus if you wake up angry, you start to throw things
If you start to throw things, your mom will think your crazy
If you're crazy you go to an insane asylum
When you go to an insane asylum, behavioral scientists study you.
When behavioral scientists study you, they name a disorder after you
When you get a disorder named after you, you will die alone
Don't die alone

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ever Have That English Assignment...

Where your teacher just told you to keep writing and not to stop and think, I thought that this would be a great experiment to do on a blog now that I'm older, more mature and have a sharpened mind. I'll be doing that on this blog now. Spelling errors and all. I haven't done this exercise in about well since like 8th grade or so... But here goes... So everyone is getting in a relationship and dating and stuff these days and I think it just has to do with the time of the year... Tis the season! I'm not jealous or anything... at least I don't think I am. I'm quite happy for those people actually. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want that for myself... But I'm a guy. I'm independant. I don't need to be in a relationship to be happy. But still. It'd be nice to have a woman. Work. Work's okay. Recently they increased the difficulty of our call volume. I didn't even know they sorted calls on difficulty level or anything. I just saw my phone program say "Advanced" on it this week and yeah... Calls are starting to suck more than they previously did.. Oh well.. At least I'm making more money now than I was when I was a dougie instructor... That's code for unemployed living with my parents. So Ryne's getting a car. Good for him. I'm buying it, so that's cool. He wants to get an SUV and looks like I already got my loan approved. Wow. I'm so vain. I am talking about money money and girls. God is great. I've been going to Willow Creek Baptist Church and that place is pretty awesome. The preaching is great and it really hits me hard. The focus in small groups hits home and really gets me going on accountability on my testimony. I need stuff like that to keep me going. I loved CBC and everything, but I just felt like I didn't belong there. My pet peeve is like you having a good conversation with someone and when you see them next... Maybe on campus, they'll pretend like they don't know you and don't even say hi or anything. That's a lot of the Faith Kids thought. Or that could just be me being critical on myself. But anyways I have to become a better me. Go out there not fearing rejection for a 'hi' or anything. I'm a grown man but I still feel those little high school insecurities.. I wonder if that will ever stop. Speaking of awkward moments, I heard my ex gf was in town... In fact I even heard that she went to go watch dorm ball and we were even in teh same room together... Before I even started dating her though I never really noticed her presence.. Even when she lead the kids in choir or played piano.. I just never really noticed her. My friend said it was probably good that I didnt see her because I don't avoid awkward situations.. I run right into them... Wow. I guess that's a little contradictory.. Me feeling insecure and awkward about even saying hi to someone i know from church but on the flipside saying something to my ex gf who pretty much ex communicated me from her life. I really wanted to be friends but I guess some of that just doesn't work out. I've been studying First Corinthians in my Devos.. God's been teaching me a lot in Romans and in 1 Cor these days but more particularly divisions in the church. Am I in the wrong for not being on speaking terms with a sister in Christ.. Is that the division? She does live far far away... So I don't know. All I know is that I have let everything go from that 2 week relationship.. but we had a really great friendship while that lasted. I really gotta start putting myself out there and being more outgoing. And here I was trying to move to Northern California.. I'd be a social mess if I moved. I just hope that God grows me good in my time In Iowa. Not in a physical sense though.

Well that was eventful.
What did I learn from that?
He must increase. I must decrease.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spoiled Slave

*Insert cliche 'I haven't written in so long' introduction*
Dude. It's hard to keep up with blogs. I've been reading a lot these days.
Yeah. Reading.. For leisure.

Never ever thought that would happen.. Ever. But I need to keep my mind sharp now that I'm not at school and have few creative outlets. Yes, I count Facebook statuses as  creative outlets. Ha.

So for a while I have been looking into the Servant/Master relationship in the Bible. I have been fascinated with it since I've been looking through Ephesians 6 when it says "Slaves, obey your masters..." In order to perhaps seek some biblical approaches to my, sometimes, stressful job and incompetent superiors.

I went to Ryne to see if I could relate that passage to work, and he responded ,"No," then continued to go into a history lesson on what slaves were in Bible times. Didn't buy it. Slaves were common back then. Just like people that work. They worked to pay off a debt or because they were results of war, etc. Much like today, people are enslaved to their jobs in order to survive and provide shelter, food, and leisure. The more I pondered this the more I wanted to learn, I researched books on the issue and John MacArthur wrote a book called "Slave," I thought I would check it out.

The Bible describes us as servants, but more accurately translated - SLAVES. The book has given me perspective. Even the word "Christian" at first was not viewed as we view today. Christians didn't start calling themselves Christians until years and years and years after the Church started. "Christian" was a name deemed by non-Christians in an act of ridiculing them. If such a label back then was so looked down upon, how about the word "Slave." To say that I am a slave to Christ seems harsh. Images of chains, burns, and abuse flash when that word is used. Slaves are possessions just like cars, computers, and chairs. I'm not ashamed to call myself a slave to God, on the contrary, I am not worthy to be owned by such a creator.

This really got me to think - I am God's possession. To think of my possessions and how they work for me... Or how they DON'T work for me sometimes. Imagine if my car only started once a week (Sunday) or if my computer only turned on 15 percent of the time. How frustrated would I be? I'd try to return those items that I purchased. I'd want to get someone better. I'd throw them away. Praise God that when He bought us with that price - the price of His son, that He didn't have a return policy. His policy is always and forever His possession. No matter how little we work for Him, He still grants us eternal life and blesses us tremendously every moment. Slave doesn't seem so bad with a perfect master like that, eh? Spoiled slaves indeed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Slacker's Guide To A College Degree

So I was going through New Years resolutions with the guys... And I said I wanted to read.... I have never completed a whole book - I have only skimmed. One of them replied, "But you have a degree!"

Yes, I do have a degree. Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with a Concentration of Accounting. Sounds fancy, but I rarely went to class, I don't think I've ever really studied, and I remember High School being harder (most of the time). I do regret being such a slacker because of... well whatever I don't regret it. The school system is a bureaucratic, capitalistic, corrupt system, and I found a way through it. Why do I need that much history class? Why did I have to take psychology, technology and the worlds' greater dependence on it (yes that was an actual class), a chemistry, a biology (again), anthropology... when I was going to (try) to be an accountant?? So psychology, sociology, history, chem, bio, and anthropology teachers can have a job! I knew that. Everyone knows that. I got by without buying a few books, let alone reading a few. How? Well here is my guide!

1. Save All Your Work!
Of course save your work before you print or present.. But what I'm talking about is you can actually re-submit any previous work maybe from an English class to a history class, and so forth. I've done this at least 15 times, and saved me about 45 hours of research and work. I had a film class and an english class where we reviewed the same film, I merely tweaked it to fit the theme of the Novel we were (supposed to be) reading. I made the mistake of asking the teacher "I already wrote a paper like this in US History - do I have to do another one?" Of course the teacher wanted me to do one for her class. Of course she wanted special attention on her class, so do yourself a favor - proofread, know what the essay is about, and tweak it as you see fit - They repeat their lesson plans, you have to do a repeat lesson and attend a lecture you already know stuff about, why can't you repeat your work? Save all your work because you never know what kind of redundancy a teacher may put you through.

2. Have a Dependable Friend
Ever just need someone to talk to when no one else will listen? Need a shoulder to cry on? That's not the friend I'm talking about. This was a hard part for me. If you're a pretty girl, you probably won't have that problem.. But then again you probably won't be reading my blog.. ANYWHO I'm an introvert (in class). It's straight to class straight to the car basically. These people can give you the DL on homework assignments, test dates, and can sign you in for when Assassin's Creed is more important than lecture.

3. Do Your Homework!
Well obviously if homework isn't a part of your grade, then there is no benefit to it... But the homework I'm talking about is and word of mouth. A classmate/colleague have a recommendation? CHECK EM OUT!! You can know what you can get away with, what kind of teacher you get to be under, strictness, etc...

4. Don't Be Dumb
Obviously - know where your goals stand and don't waste your time in college. It's not for everyone. Don't waste your money or time if you're going to party all the time and not even try. You have to put an effort in it. You have to know where your limits are with your teachers. Obviously, if your whole college only has 400 students,  you probably won't have too much to go under the radar on as far as strict attendance policies and having a friend cover your absence on the sign in sheet. Also - this doesn't work for all majors. If you're going to be a Doctor, a lawyer or somewhere it matters where you need additional schooling, grades count. Lives and livelihoods depend on you. Now if you were to be a business major where nothing really matters - this plan would be pretty awesome..