Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So What've You Been Up To?

"Not much," is typically my response to that question. Typically it's to avoid long stories or a sequence of short stories that I find interesting in my life that nobody else does. What an awkward question. If I answer it, I sound like a prideful schmuck. I have such a boring  life. Anywho. This is me answering that question

Firstly, I'm learning about how much I need God in my life. I used to think about how much I knew or thought I knew, how much I thought I mastered in the Bible, how little I sin, but wow. I'm a mess. I'm such a prideful stupid mess. Humility is a hard pill to swallow. I fail God constantly, but He loves me. And I'm so glad He does. I'm so selfish and 27 years into life, I am realizing that.

Numero Two. Wow, I'm old. 27? I figured I'd have a family and my own house by now. Ah the best laid plans...

Thirdly, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Jackie. She's great. She hates when I'm public about us. So I'll just leave it at I couldn't ask for a better woman. (:

*stopped numbering*
I miss my family. I miss them a whole lot. Spending Christmas without them feels terrible, but at least I have my  brother, Ryne. And Skype. I have Skype.

My playstation was broken for two months. God works in mysterious ways, right? Assassin's Creed III comes out, I get a girlfriend and my playstation breaks! Nacho Libre was inside of it when it broke - When it rains it pours, right? Took $150 to get it back and running,  but I'm glad it's back.

My work schedule is killing me. I work till 8 almost every day. It doesn't allow me to go to church Wednesday nights. I hope that changes soon if we get to hire more people... Or get an alternate working schedule where I can have Wednesdays off and work 10 hour days.

Anywho. That's my life in a nutshell these days. Imagine if I told somebody this during an awkward urinal conversation (Yknow... at the urinal in the bathroom?)

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