Thursday, March 22, 2012


I was reminiscing about camp. I was a camp counselor. It was a big part of my life - actually it still is because some of my best friends are people that I've met in a camp environment. But... that's an entry for another time. There's a camp theme every year for every camp that I've been to and my FIRST EVER camp was themed "God's Superheros!" I was pretty stoked to find out that the teams names for Junior week included Justice league, the Avengers, and two other insignificant teams. Seriously. Who can beat superman or the hulk? Anyways before I geek out on you, I was really really thinking about what we view as a superhero. The recipe goes as follows:

1. Regular guy
2. Something tragic/ near death happens
3. Said guy becomes awesome(r)
4. Morals get injected into said comic book

BOOM! you have a superhero!

Pictured Above: Superhero.. and sidekick Arturo

Okay.. That's just me on Halloween at the coffee shop I worked in back in 2006. We always think of a hero as someone who was normal, becomes stronger, and does things that no one else can really do to save them. I was always so envious. I wanted to climb walls. I wanted to fly. I wanted all the cool gadgets and I wanted to be fearless. But I never had a radioactive spider. Never came from Kryptonian decent. Didn't have he gizmos.

Going back to camp and the theme: My chapel notes have disappeared, but the message of Jesus has remained constant. Jesus was the ultimate superhero. He's defeated the villain of death and sin for ALL. The Formula is all backwards though: Already awesome... And coming down to earth as a regular man. A God-Man that hungered, that thirsted, that willingly felt pain for our behalves. This camp theme is really hitting home in terms of my weakness and infirmities. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul boasts in his weakness because it magnifies the strength of the Lord. God has constantly used the people - like Joseph (the youngest son), Moses (a cowardly man who couldn't even circumcise his own children), and Peter (a lowly fisherman) to serve Him in the greatest ways! It really puts it in position to where he could use anyone for His glory - no one has an excuse to not serve no matter how little they think they are or how insignificant I think I am.

I've always viewed strength as something of my own. So I'll pass on the gamma rays, the genetic experimentation and whatever made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so mutantly and ninja-like - I have everything I need - my weakness magnifies how great God is.

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