Monday, January 2, 2012

The Slacker's Guide To A College Degree

So I was going through New Years resolutions with the guys... And I said I wanted to read.... I have never completed a whole book - I have only skimmed. One of them replied, "But you have a degree!"

Yes, I do have a degree. Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with a Concentration of Accounting. Sounds fancy, but I rarely went to class, I don't think I've ever really studied, and I remember High School being harder (most of the time). I do regret being such a slacker because of... well whatever I don't regret it. The school system is a bureaucratic, capitalistic, corrupt system, and I found a way through it. Why do I need that much history class? Why did I have to take psychology, technology and the worlds' greater dependence on it (yes that was an actual class), a chemistry, a biology (again), anthropology... when I was going to (try) to be an accountant?? So psychology, sociology, history, chem, bio, and anthropology teachers can have a job! I knew that. Everyone knows that. I got by without buying a few books, let alone reading a few. How? Well here is my guide!

1. Save All Your Work!
Of course save your work before you print or present.. But what I'm talking about is you can actually re-submit any previous work maybe from an English class to a history class, and so forth. I've done this at least 15 times, and saved me about 45 hours of research and work. I had a film class and an english class where we reviewed the same film, I merely tweaked it to fit the theme of the Novel we were (supposed to be) reading. I made the mistake of asking the teacher "I already wrote a paper like this in US History - do I have to do another one?" Of course the teacher wanted me to do one for her class. Of course she wanted special attention on her class, so do yourself a favor - proofread, know what the essay is about, and tweak it as you see fit - They repeat their lesson plans, you have to do a repeat lesson and attend a lecture you already know stuff about, why can't you repeat your work? Save all your work because you never know what kind of redundancy a teacher may put you through.

2. Have a Dependable Friend
Ever just need someone to talk to when no one else will listen? Need a shoulder to cry on? That's not the friend I'm talking about. This was a hard part for me. If you're a pretty girl, you probably won't have that problem.. But then again you probably won't be reading my blog.. ANYWHO I'm an introvert (in class). It's straight to class straight to the car basically. These people can give you the DL on homework assignments, test dates, and can sign you in for when Assassin's Creed is more important than lecture.

3. Do Your Homework!
Well obviously if homework isn't a part of your grade, then there is no benefit to it... But the homework I'm talking about is and word of mouth. A classmate/colleague have a recommendation? CHECK EM OUT!! You can know what you can get away with, what kind of teacher you get to be under, strictness, etc...

4. Don't Be Dumb
Obviously - know where your goals stand and don't waste your time in college. It's not for everyone. Don't waste your money or time if you're going to party all the time and not even try. You have to put an effort in it. You have to know where your limits are with your teachers. Obviously, if your whole college only has 400 students,  you probably won't have too much to go under the radar on as far as strict attendance policies and having a friend cover your absence on the sign in sheet. Also - this doesn't work for all majors. If you're going to be a Doctor, a lawyer or somewhere it matters where you need additional schooling, grades count. Lives and livelihoods depend on you. Now if you were to be a business major where nothing really matters - this plan would be pretty awesome..


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