Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Facebook.

You ever notice on Facebook that the layout is always changing, and you can do more and more and more with it pretty much every month. It's expanding, and we're adapting. Not too long ago, there was a whole layout change. Everybody's news feeds bombarded with their friends complaining about the transition. Take whatever side you want - you're still on Facebook. You will adapt. You will then be content with the layout. And you will be used to it - only to have it change again. And we'll repeat the process. Fact is that we have a choice. If you don't like it you don't have to be on Facebook.There's one very important thing I learned from Management Informations Systems yknow.. cus I have a business background... And it's this

"'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' is an outdated saying... Cus if you wait till it's broke to fix it, somebody who done fixed it is gonna steal your business - So if it ain't broke, fix it up and make sho it stay not broke!" - My African American Teacher

It's true, isn't it Myspace?... Friendster... non-iPod MP3 player... Blockbuster Video... Record Shop, Comic book store, ridiculously baggy pants, pager companies, AOL?

Truth is, if we get used to it then we get bored of it. No matter how much we've enjoyed using it, no matter how faithful it's been to us, we will leave it and look for something beter..... Isn't it true, every girl I've ever had romantic interest in?

Things are always going to change. And we are always going to have to adapt.

We were made to worship. That's why it's so easy to fall into something and devote something and to have an event/someone/something be a God over you. To many of us, it has become Facebook itself. This was a reality check to me.  If I can easily adapt to something as simple as a new layout and not complain about it, why can't I adapt to a situation that God has put me under? Why can't I take the practical instruction in His Word and easily apply it like I'm often commanded to do. Doing a bible study on 1 John after how many times of studying it in past years has really effected e this year. Is it a coincidence that Paul's conclusive statement in the letter says "Children guard yourself from idols?" Yes, this little not-so-significant layout change got me thinking that. Haha. Let's adapt. No matter how far I've come from my old self, I know it's not far enough. I can't use my own strength to do God's will. I have to use His.

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