Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time of Reflection

About two months ago, I set went along for a ride to Ohio to see the installation service of a Pastor friend of mine in Elyria, OH. I decided to go on the voyage with Brett, Nick, Derek, and Westley because I coincidentally had the Friday off, and I thought "Hey, I haven't seen Carrie Olsen in ages... I'm not doing anything exciting with my life right now.. Road trip sounds good!" Well we all set off.. Bout a 10 hour drive with Brett driving... Well, it was more like we FLEW there he was driving so fast. The Olsen family was nice enough to late me stay for a night, but didn't wanna wake the at 2 in the morning, so I stayed with Brett and ventured over the next day. The next morning, Brett was driving down an unpaved dirt road that Amish people frequented. The car hopped up hills, slid down the hills, and there were nice winding curves. My heart leaped out of my chest a couple times... Pretty much thought I would die. As I got to the Olsen home, Mr. Olsen greeted me, and asked me how my trip was.

"Well, it was a pretty quick trip. Brett was driving horribly fast down the county road... bout 75 mph or so. Thought I was gonna die!"
"Wow.. Horse and buggy go down this road... Good thing he didn't get any of em! Well looks like God still has a plan for you because you're still alive and breathing!" Mr. Olsen replied while making his exit.

Heh. You know what's funny? That whole mini-story, that whole weekend... You know what I remember the most about that weekend? I remember that quote... God still has a plan for you.

    In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory.
(Ephesians 1:11-12 ESV)

Yep. There's some scripture. I'm still here... and I might be to the praise of His glory. What have I done for Christ lately? How earnest was my devotion time with God today? Are my prayers genuine? What can I get involved with at church or in the lives of fellow believers? How can I encourage people? When's the last time I got into a spiritual conversation? Was that just an opportunity to share Christ at work? God, what purpose do you have for me on this earth right now? How can I serve?

Just a couple of questions that were looming through my head that weekend. It was also a great time at church the next morning... It was the 9/11 service, and during that worship time, we watched a video (Which can be viewed below) about 9/11. God had many circumstances planned out where some people missed those very flights that lead to the death of those people. God spared their lives because they have a purpose. It's the case right now - God is sparing my physical health right now, and how I am I using it? God was done with the people on this earth from the people who have passed. There are people that are bed-ridden in this world - and here I am, lounging at my desk or on the couch watching the game. God gave me good health and a good life to be living for Him. And often times I seem to live for things that he died for... Me.. Sin.

My prayer is that I become  a faithful servant. I can be in His word daily and still take the smallest thing for granted. I have taken people for granted. I am selfish. God has given me so much that I am humbled and shamed to what little I offer Him with back with my life these days. Romans 12 says to offer myself as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. Let that be my desire. Let that be my reality. God died in my place, and here I am not living for Him as much as I should.

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