Wednesday, September 18, 2013


It's the third week I'm on this regular workout thing. I'm noticing a lot from myself just from this workout routine. Things about being in my last relationship with a girl too.

That's results.

I get frustrated pretty easily. If I don't see results right away, I get agitated, sometimes I give up, sometimes I try to put the blame on someone else. I get discouraged.

Third week, and I've dropped about 10 pounds - I see no results. If I really look at my arms, they're a bit more tone than a few weeks ago, but it frustrates me that I look pretty much the same.

Looking back at my last relationship, I got frustrated that I didn't see much change in my girlfriend. The same thoughts and concerns frustrating her  after months of thinking it was resolved, but the thing is to see the big picture in things - that she did change. She changed her whole life, stopped talking to a few people in her life, and just became (in her mind) a totally different person. This is why I threatened the relationship and wanted to break up more than I should

That might be how my body is reacting to me. Where I THINK I'm doing stuff correctly but it just takes my body some time to get used to it.

Ephesians 5 had it right when God puts man and woman in the picture of marriage that the husband was the head to the wife - the body.

I just have to keep at it and be patient and love my body because it's  not gonna change over night. And I may have to change my thoughts (what to eat, my habits, etc) if I want to benefit my body.

I may not be in a relationship leading to, if not ending, in marriage anymore, but I thank God for giving me that reminder on what I should be in a relationship between a woman and myself, and how that can relate to my regarding my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. I mean, I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I think that's how it works... Sanctification.

If I ever get in a relationship again, I'll think twice about giving up on us. Even when the skies get rough.

I messed up my knee to the point where I can't walk right. Probably because I've been pushing my body to the limit in one workout sesh and more than I should. That means I have to ease off the walking and squats which means that results are going to come way later than I expected. Which means I have to eat better and do other exercises that tailor around that knee. It's really such a beautiful picture the husband to the wife; the head to the body; Christ to the Church.

Thank you to all the people who have been praying for me and recovering emotionally. I'm still not there, but hey Christ loves me as His own body and I know that He is perfect and sovereign and is strengthening me through this time. I may be sore right now, but I know that I'll come back stronger than ever one day. It's okay to hurt for a short while knowing that it's just a growing pain.

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