Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday. Copyright Infringement. Pet peeves. Stress Relief.

I stayed home today. I didn't feel well enough to work on the phone all day today. Had me some tummy issues. It just felt great to have a day off though. So a little pepto. A little laying in bed for a while and I was good as new in the later afternoon. Played some video games. Hung out a little. Twas a nice relaxing day.

Today, I had dinner/lunch with my good friend Luke. We were hanging out at my apartment, when I said that I was craving dinner. We pretty much left right then and there, but I told Luke I'd meet him out by the car after I checked the mail. I got a letter from my cable/internet provider saying that I was in violation of the terms of agreement and I committed copyright infringement by downloading Shutter Island. I was in shock. I did not know what to do or say, but I put the letter on the coffee table and just went out to lunch. I told Luke of my little situation, and he was freaking out. I was still freaking out, but lunch wasn't gonna eat itself.

Luke is the type of person that breaks you down. He likes to analyze all aspects of body language: posture, eye movement, speech patterns.. He also asks the most random questions to get to know you.. So needless to say, Luke and I are very much alike. He asked me two questions that I thought would make a good topic for discussion on here.

1. What do you do for stress relief?
Well. He stumped me.  I do not recall doing anything to relieve stress. Was it mentally unhealthy to not have a regular stress relief? I just recall as a child being very angry and ragingly throwing fits of the hissy variety, hitting walls, yelling, crying, and acting.. well yknow.. CHILDISH. I told him I ate to relieve stress.. But that wasn't accurate. BUT NOW that I'm thinking about it, I took drives back in California to clear my head. One time I drove down the cost all the way to near Mexico to clear my head. Here, I don't have that luxury so much. If I drive, I get lost. But I did tell him my number one stress reliever.. Which is talking or writing about it. I have such great friends here. The best roommates I could ask for... Well, if they're not downloading pirated movies. I'm under so much stress with my job, and back home I didn't have that support where I felt everything was going to be fine. Here, I do. And I'm so glad I am where I am now.


2. What are your pet peeves?
Ha. I hate when people say words when they say the abbreviation for those words/ tat word in front of it.
EG: ATM MACHINE. EIN Number. AHHHHHHHHHHH! It drives me nuts. Also the cliche, 24/7. I hate shortened words like 'delish' or 'ph'nom'.. But I have allowed some exceptions.

and there you have it. I don't feel like writing anymore. But to summarize. Copyright infringement. Bad. I don't freak out about things like I did before. Redundancy kills me. I'm cool.

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